
Case Studies:

Capturing the Vision of Sarasota Bayfront Phase One for Agency Landscape + Planning


Client: Agency Landscape + Planning
Project: Sarasota Bayfront Phase One
Services Provided by HAPS Agency:
  • Photography
  • Videography
  • On-Site Interviews

The Sarasota Bayfront Phase One is a transformative project designed to enhance the Sarasota waterfront, creating a vibrant public space that blends seamlessly with the natural environment. As the lead landscape architects, Agency Landscape + Planning sought to tell the story of this space through captivating imagery and compelling video content. They turned to HAPS Agency to deliver a comprehensive visual package that could be used across various platforms, including press releases, awards submissions, request for qualifications (RFQs), and their professional portfolio.


Agency Landscape + Planning needed a versatile collection of visuals that would:

  • Showcase the full scope of the Sarasota Bayfront project, from broad contextual shots to intricate details.

  • Highlight the quality and thoughtfulness of the materials and craftsmanship.

  • Capture the interaction between the space and its visitors, demonstrating the park’s success as a community asset.

  • Document the insights and experiences of the design team and park guests through video interviews.

Our Aproach

To meet the broad and nuanced requirements of the project, HAPS Agency deployed a multifaceted approach:

Comprehensive Photography

Contextual Images

We captured wide-angle shots that emphasize the park’s integration with Sarasota’s urban and natural landscapes. These images highlighted the overall design and how the park fits within its surroundings.

Human Interaction

Photographs of park guests using the space were essential to demonstrate the park’s functionality and success. These images captured moments of joy, relaxation, and community engagement.

Detailed Shots

We focused on the fine details, such as the way materials meet, the texture of surfaces, and the precision of the landscape architecture. These shots were crucial for showing the craftsmanship and quality of work in close-up detail.


Designer Interviews

We recorded and edited video interviews with the designers to provide insights into the design process, challenges faced, and the vision behind the Sarasota Bayfront project. These interviews added depth to the project narrative, offering viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the creative minds behind the park.

Guest Reactions

On-site interviews with park visitors were conducted to capture their spontaneous reactions and experiences. These authentic testimonials provided a genuine reflection of the park’s impact on the community.

Editing and Final Delivery

We meticulously edited the videos to align with Agency Landscape + Planning’s branding and messaging. The final product was a set of cohesive videos that seamlessly blended interviews with visual storytelling, effectively conveying the narrative of the Sarasota Bayfront Phase One.

The photography collection was curated to provide a balanced representation of the project, ready for use in various media and promotional materials.


The result was a highly successful collaboration that exceeded the expectations of Agency Landscape + Planning. The visual content provided by HAPS Agency played a pivotal role in showcasing the Sarasota Bayfront Phase One across multiple platforms, helping the client secure recognition and new opportunities.

Agency Landscape + Planning expressed their satisfaction with the quality and breadth of the work delivered, emphasizing how it effectively supported their goals for press coverage, awards entries, and portfolio development.