

The HAPS in Design

We are excited to launch our new podcast, The HAPS in Design. This series is dedicated to exploring the intersection of design, media, public relations, and academia. As a public relations firm specializing in architects, interior designers, and landscape architects, our podcast will bring together professionals from these fields to contribute to the discourse surrounding the communication of design in today’s rapidly evolving media landscape.

However, our focus extends beyond the direct creators of design. We recognize that the narrative surrounding architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture is influenced by various external factors. This is why we aim to engage a broader audience, including writers, editors, and photographers from earned media publications and news outlets. By doing so, we can better understand the types of stories that resonate with the public and explore how design projects are framed and communicated.

The Broader Ecosystem: Engaging Media and Sister Disciplines

Public relations is inherently interdisciplinary. To accurately convey the stories behind design projects, it is crucial to understand the media landscape. Our podcast will include interviews with prominent media professionals who will share their insights on the types of design stories that captivate their audiences, the criteria they use to select projects for publication, and the current trends shaping design discourse.

We will also explore the integral role that sister disciplines play in promoting and maintaining the public image of design firms. Marketing professionals, social media managers, and branding experts will discuss their strategies for translating complex design concepts into compelling content that reaches a broad audience. These conversations will illuminate how these professionals bridge the gap between design and the public.

Fostering Connections with Academia

The HAPS in Design will further enrich the conversation by engaging with academia. In particular, we will feature interviews with department heads, professors, and lecturers from universities and colleges that specialize in the design disciplines. Their expertise will provide valuable insights into how design education is evolving and how academic institutions are preparing the next generation of architects, interior designers, and landscape architects to communicate their work effectively in the public sphere.

The inclusion of academic voices ensures that our podcast remains a source of thoughtful, in-depth analysis and that it maintains relevance within both professional and educational contexts.

Mission and Goals

At its core, The HAPS in Design seeks to expand the discourse surrounding design and communication. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the creative minds shaping our physical world and the media and academic professionals who influence how that work is understood and appreciated by the public. Through our podcast, we aim to:

  • Facilitate meaningful conversations between architects, interior designers, landscape architects, media professionals, and academics.
  • Highlight the importance of public relations in promoting design projects.
  • Foster a deeper understanding of how design is communicated in both professional and public contexts.

Our conversations will not only explore the technical aspects of design but also dive into the narratives and stories that make architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture relevant to everyday life.

Join the Conversation

Stay tuned for our upcoming episodes, where we will feature interviews with leading voices in architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, media, and academia. At HAPS Agency, we are committed to elevating the conversation about design through the power of effective storytelling.

If you are interested in becoming a guest, please complete the form below: